
Natural Building Cob Workshop: Community, Techniques & Materials

Zen Rocks Retreat Center
Multiple Rates
Andreas Papachristou

Natural Building Cob Workshop: Community, Techniques & Materials

Our Invitation to you

Come and join this special Natural Building workshop and get a hands-on experience in building with cob and other natural materials. Andreas Papachristou, initiator of the Hara-Goe project and member of the Stagones Social Cooperative, will guide us through the amazing process of designing our home and getting familiar with the materials and techniques to build it!

Description of the Workshop

During this workshop we will form a temporary community, learning to accept and respect each other in order to be able to live and work together in a meaningful, creative way. We will explore natural building techniques and materials, as well as bio-climatic design principles. We will cover all fundamental topics (foundations, drainage, structural elements, walls, roofs) and gain experience, while working on small-scale projects. Playing with mud is great fun for young and old; cob, stone and wood will be the materials we will use. Furthermore, we will be able to design the shelter of our dreams and make a model of it. Be there!

Meet your Teachers

Andreas Papachristou

Initiator of the Hara-Goe project & member of the Stagones Social Cooperative

When I decided to live close to nature, natural building for creating a shelter for me and my family was the obvious choice. Not only because of the many advantages (low imprint, use of local, organic materials, creation of healthy and friendly living spaces) but also because we valued the process of imagining, designing and constructing our home with the help of our friends. When people are able to build homes and cultivate food, they are regaining strength and meaning. In that aspect, natural building is extending beyond the obvious of the practical, to realms of self-knowledge and collectiveness. This is something I like to point out during the workshops I give and it is always reflected in the dynamic of the group.

About Zen Rocks

Zen Rocks is a place of beauty, community, and dedication to a deep practice for personal healing and global transformation. Sprawled within endless olive groves, with stunning views of mountains, sky, and sea, Zen Rocks was created as a center for deep practice, healing, community and harmonious inter-being.

Set against the dramatic expanse of the Mediterranean sea, this heavenly corner of the earth is beckoning us on a unique journey of personal growth.

Through mindfulness meditation and somatic practices we are invited to re-connect with our essential nature, rest, restore, and meet the most positive creative version of ourselves again.

Practice Areas:

There are several terraces on which yoga classes currently take place depending on the sun and the time of the day.One of our most unique attractions our newly build magnificent yoga deck. Large enough to accommodate 50-60 people with great views of the sea and horizon, our finely crafted Yoga Deck is actually one of the best places in the world to practice. You are up there in heaven practically, with mesmerising views and a very pleasant breeze even in the hottest summer days, our Yoga Shala makes your trip to Mani worthy and memorable.


Home cooked, vegetarian and/or vegan meals may be prepared according to your needs and preferences. We use local seasonal produce grown from our land or neighboring gardens. Fresh goat milk, daily eggs, and hand picked fresh fruit can be added to your menu. Your meals are prepared by wonderful inspired cooks.

Arrivals: Wednesday, 22 May, from 5.00pm

Daily schedule

08:30 - 09:15 breakfast
09:30 - 10:00 morning circle and warm up
10:00 - 13:45 morning session with small break around 12:00
14:00 - 15:00 lunch
15:00 - 17:00 siesta - free time
17:00 - 19:30 afternoon session (hands on and theory)
19:45 - 20:30 dinner
20:30 - 21:00 reflection circle

Departures: Sunday, 26 May, after 1.00pm

  • Comfortable Accommodations
  • All Lectures and Practice Sessions
  • Τwo delicious vegetarian meals a day (brunch and dinner). (*Extra drinks, meals, snacks available at extra cost)
  • Yoga props/sitting cushions
  • Transfer to and from Zen Rocks Retreat Center
  • Transfers around Zen Rocks and the area
  • Additional therapeutic treatments or private yoga sessions where applicable



Our aim is to make the course financially accessible whilst covering the costs involved in producing and running the course and, if possible, supporting our Thriving community here at Zen Rocks.

Together, we Thrive!

Day Pass | 50€

Join the program for a whole day. Meals included.

Scholarships - Program Only | 100€

(2-5 scholarships available) For those in need of financial assistance, students & youth, feel free to attend the program and support us by donating without breaking the bank! (You will need to provide your own accommodations & meals)

Community Rate | 200€

You are welcome to join and camp at Zen Rocks by bringing your own tent. This rate helps us sustain the course, the creators, instructors and community that is offering it. (Including daily meals)

Standard Rate | 360€

This rate helps us sustain the course, compensate the teachers & instructors, while you enjoy your stay in our Glamping Tents or Dorms. (Meals included)

Sponsor Rate | 600€

This option helps sustain the course and enables us to offer more scholarships while enabling us organizing future events. (Room accommodations & meals included)

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