Miracle of Mindfulness Retreat

in the tradition of Plum Village


Sister Tu Nghiem (Sr Eleni)

Sister Trai Nghiem


September 8-10, 2023,
2 nights


Mindfulness Retreat


2 nights
from 190€ to

Miracle of Mindfulness Retreat

Our Invitation To You

From Plum Village Zen Monastery in France, and the tradition of dear respected Ζen master,
Thich Nhat Hanh, sisters Eleni and Trai Nghiem are coming to share with us their path of:
awakening each morning with joy and mindfulness, living every moment of the day with gratitude
and appreciation, and going to sleep with ease, stillness, peace and intimacy with all beings.

As our venerable Thay used to say: “Peace is Every Breath”

Description of the Retreat

“I have arrived, I am home” means: I don’t want to run anymore. I’ve been running all my life, andI’ve arrived nowhere. Now I want to stop. My destination is the here and now, the only time andplace where true life is possible.” Thich Nhat Hanh

During this 4 day/3 night retreat we will have a precious opportunity to slow down, and come backto ourselves with the energy of cultivating mindfulness. Following the retreat program each daywe will an opportunity to slow down, and experience living in the present moment, in “peace andharmony” with our inner emotions, in our relationships with others, including our most intimaterelationships, and, naturally, with all of the surrounding world.

More specifically, Sisters Eleni and Trai Nghiem will help us work on:

  • learning how to cultivate happiness and well-being

  • befriending and learning how to handle strong emotions

  • learning the art of mindful communication to have more harmonious relationships withour family, friends, and colleagues

  • learning the art of reconciliation when there is conflict and misunderstanding in a relationship

  • learning to how to take care of our body and mind, in order to cultivate more resilience, and inner strength, and be a positive source of healing for our planet.

Comments From Participants

Elise Buckle

“It was wonderful to experience the mindfulness meditation training and practice with the Plum Village sisters. Together we cultivated the simple joy and happiness of mindfulness presence,compassion, care and love for oneself as well as for other people and the planet.”

janina beckman

“For two weeks at Plum Village monastery in France I had the fortune opportunity to spend timewith both Sister Eleni and Sister Trai Nghiêm. They offered not only a space of healing for thecommunity at large but personal, one-on-one time, to ask the deep questions and reflect together. Their shared wisdom guides me in my day to day, to meet life’s challenges with the eyes ofcompassion and understanding.”

Program Schedule

September 8-10, 2023
2 nights, 4 days

First Day, September 8, 2023




Welcome Circle & Tea meditation


Dinner. First 20 minutes in Silence


Total Relaxation followed by Orientation


Noble Silence

Last Day, September 10, 2023


Wake Up


Zazen, Sitting Meditation


Yoga or Movement Meditation


Breakfast in Silence


Singing Meditation & Dharma Talk


Walking Meditation


Farewell Lunch with Joyful sharing,
first 10 min in silence for reflection



Daily Schedule, 2023


Wake Up


Zazen, Sitting Meditation


Yoga or Movement Meditation


Breakfast in Silence


Singing Meditation & Dharma Talk


Walking Meditation


Lunch with 5 Contemplations,
first 20 min in silence


Total Relaxation


Dharma Sharing


Yoga/Nature Walk


Dinner & first 20 min in silence


5MT Presentation, & Beginning Anew

Requirements & Preperation

Please share with us your experience with mindfulness practice:

1) Is this the first mindfulness retreat you are attending in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village?

2) What has brought you to this Retreat, i.e. your aspirations ,or expectations?

3) If you wish, please share additional information that will let us understand you more.

Dear friends,
if you are not already eating a vegetarian diet, you may want to consider:
Before coming to the retreat, you may to practice eating more fruits, vegetables, cheese, eggs,and beans, like lentils, and seeds and nuts,  if you are not already doing so, because vegetarianmeals will be served during the retreat. (that means no fish, no chicken, no animal meat). Just toexperience how this is for your body, and to get used to it gradually.

Τα βρείτε τα βιβλία του Thich Nhat Hanh μεταφρασμένα και στα Ελληνικάστις εκδοσεις Αιώρα Press.

  • Φόβος

  • Σιωπή

Kαι τις εκδόσεις ΚΟΑΝ, www.koan.gr

  • Είσαι Εδώ

  • Όχι Λάσπη, ΄Όχι Λωτός

  • Το Θαύμα της Ενσυνειδητότητας

Any titles of books by Thich Nhat Hanh Or programs through Youtube channel: Plum Village
The Way Out is In


Sisters Sisters Tu Nghiem (Sr Eleni) and Trai Nghiem are both monastics at Plum Village andthey have both been ordained by venerable Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh. They are dedicated tosharing the way of joyful, compassionate living through the practice of mindfulness and inter-being.

Sister Tu Nghiem (Sr Eleni)

Sister Tu Nghiem (also known as Sister Eleni, or Αδελφή Ελένη ή Αδελφή Καλοσύνη, ή ΑδελφήΕυγένεια)  was born in New York City, USA. Her mother was the daughter of Greek immigrants from Kerasia, the Peloponnese.

She and her brother spent their summers with their Greek grandparents, where they learned to appreciate the Greek culture, hearing them speak Greek, eating Greek food, and going to the Greek Orthodox Church.

Later, Sr Tu Nghiem worked as a Nurse, and came to Plum Village, France in 1990.

She was Ordained in 1991, as a Novice nun, becoming the eleventh disciple of the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh.

In 1996 she became a Dharma Teacher and since then has led retreats with the sangha in the USA and many European countries.

She loves to share the practices of mindfulness very simply, knowing that everyone has the capacity to be mindful a and to transform their suffering into happiness.

Her interests include watching the sunrise, studying Greek, and dancing the Greek Kalamatiano, and listening to the late pianist Alicia de Larrocha play the classical piano repertoire.

“Compassion is a beautiful flower born of understanding.
Understanding is the foundation of love.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Sister Trai Nghiem

Bhikshuni Chân Trai Nghiêm was ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 2009 and became a Plum Village Dharma Teacher in 2020. She grew up in Japan and emigrated to the US at the age of thirteen. Before joining the monastic order in Plum Village, France, she worked as a concert violinist for a number of years, performing around the world as a member of Mahler Chamber Orchestra and Lucerne Festival Orchestra among others. From 2002-2003, she serve das a concertmaster of Athens Camerata in Greece. She is also a certified yoga teacher and enjoys exploring creative ways to explore and share the Dharma, cultivating harmony and healing in body and mind. She travels annually to lead retreats in Japan and has helped publish a number of publications by Thich Nhat Hanh in Japanese language.


Including practice, meals, accommodations

In a Triple:

360€ (the room has to be guaranteed for 3 guests to get this rate)

In a Double:

460€ (the room has to be guaranteed for 2 guests to get this rate)


480-580€ (subject to Availability)

Extra Option

Glamping Tent:


  • Accommodation

  • All programmed activities

  • Τwo delicious vegetarian meals a day (brunch and dinner) and Light Breakfast

  • Yoga props/sitting cushions

  • Biodegradable toiletries

  • Transfer to and from Zen Rocks Mani

  • Transfers around Zen Rocks and the area

  • Additional therapeutic treatments or private yoga sessions where applicable

Have a question?

How do I choose the Retreat for me?

All our retreats aim to create a nurturing and welcoming environment for all levels of practice and all student needs. All programs offer the opportunity for a dose of daily good exercise through yoga or pilates, walks in nature and/or swimming in the sea, and both restorative and meditation practice. A weekly program offers a complete experience of well-being. Our teachers are highly experienced and skilled. If a program seems enticing to you, it is probably the one you need. Make a bold step and trust it: Go for it!

Can I come alone?

Absolutely! Our friendly staff and group of guests/friends will make you feel right at home. Surrounded by good company, with space to be on your own, according to your needs and wishes.

Can I bring my partner who is not a practitioner?

Yes. As long as one understands and respects the philosophy of Zen Rocks, your partner can join in the daily activities, or feel free to relax and follow their own schedule. Your friend or partner will feel warmly welcome at Zen Rocks.

When should I book?

Book early, as soon as you know the retreat you are interested in, and your schedule. Click here to send us your questions or to register. Link: REGISTER

Where do I fly to –How do I arrange my Transfer?

We would be happy to help arrange your transfer from Athens or Kalamata to Zen Rocks.The retreat is located about 30 minutes south of the city of Kalamata, in a quiet olive grove amidst sea and blue skies. The closest village to us is Kalianeika, about one kilometer from us. There is airport access both from Athens Airport (3 hours from ZR) and from Kalamata Airport (30-40min from ZR).

-Flights to Athens International Airport (ATH) and transportation to Zen Rocks
All major airlines fly to Athens international airport, called Eleftherios Venizelos. Zen Rocks is about a 2.5-3 hours’ drive from Athens. We can arrange a private transport for you and/ or your group or you can rent a car to drive yourself to Zen Rocks. The ride is beautiful, and you can enjoy a direct ride along the new Athens-Kalamata highway, or you can make stops in places like the sites of Ancient Mycenae, Ancient Nemea, the city of Nafplion, and the town of Kalamata.

-Flights to/from Kalamata (KLX)
More and more there are direct and/or charter flights to the small airport of Kalamata from different European cities. Also, new 30 minutes flights have just started from Athens to Kalamata regional airport are very reasonably priced if booked well in advance.
Alternatively, you can fly to Kalamata from the northern Greek town of Thessaloniki.

-Transportation options while in Greece
The way to reach Zen Rocks is either with our luxurious Mini Van for 8 people or by renting a car from Athens or Kalamata and drive around on your own. Our office can assist you with your car rental reservation. Or you can make your booking directly. During your stay at Zen Rocks our minivan is available for hire along with an experienced driver. The rates for transfers with our minivan are in the attached document titled: ZenRocksRates.
Allow us to book your transfer from Athens or Kalamata. Simply email us at: info@zenrocksmani.com

Driving Directions to Zen Rocks

The retreat is located about 30 minutes South of the city of Kalamata, in a quiet olive grove amidst the sea and blue skies. The closest village to us is Kallianeika.

1. Drive on the new freeway from Athens to Kalamata, and be prepared to stop frequently for tolls. Expect to pay around 15€ each way. It may take you 2-2.5 hours to reach Kalamata.

2. Stay on the freeway and exit Kalamata heading towards Areopolis and Kitries. After the freeway ends, you will pass Lidl, and a café called Cosi on the right, and then the road forks and you see a road sign. At this point you have the option of heading up towards the mountain towards Areopolis and Kardamyli, or taking a right towards the sea and Kitries. You can reach us either way. We are giving you directions through the coastal road here, as it may be easier to find our location this way.

3. Take a right towards Kitries and drive down the coast for about 10-15 minutes. Right as you approach Kitries, the road goes uphill. There is a big retaining wall right in front of you, causing you to almost stop. You see a road sign for Doloi.

4. Make a sharp left up the mountain towards Doloi.

5. Drive for 5 minutes until you reach the village of Kalianeika.

6. When you reach Kalianeika, stop in front of the church and set your odometer to 0.

7. Drive for one kilometer, and you will come to switch back turn where you will see a fence with big cacti and a huge rock. You are getting close.

8. Immediately afterwards, you see a second switch back turn and a couple small signs for Zen Rocks. At this point leave the asphalt road and enter a smaller cement farm road. Drive 200 meters on cement, and then another 400 meters of dirt road. At this point you will see the electrical posts and a cement road up on your left. This is our private drive way to Zen Rocks.

(Attention: our drive way is the SECOND paved road you see on your left. Do not take the first one, right where the cement ends… wait till you drive the extra 400 meters of dirt and pebble road and you come across the electrical wires and big posts… at this point you will also notice that the farm road you are on is covered with the cement of our paved drive way.)
9. Go left on our cement road. It is a sharp incline. Come up on first gear and full throttle. Small cars will do fine if you know how to drive fearlessly.

10. Welcome to Zen Rocks.
As Zen master Thich Nhat Hahn says: YOU HAVE ARRIVED!

Οδηγίες για το Zen Rocks Mani

Το Zen Rocks Mani βρίσκεται σε απόσταση περίπου 30 λεπτών Νότια από τη πόλη της Καλαμάτας, ανάμεσα σε ήσυχους ελαιώνες, τον ουρανό και τη θάλασσα! Το κοντινότερο χωριό είναι τα Καλλιανέικα.
1. Πάρτε τη νέα εθνική οδό απο την Αθήνα προς τη Καλαμάτα οπου θα χρειαστεί να σταματήσετε συχνά σε σταθμούς διοδίων. Υπολογείστε οτι το συνολικό κόστος των διοδίων θα ειναι 15€ η διαδρομή. Η απόσταση ειναι περιπου 2-2.5 ώρες απο την Αθήνα μέχρι να φτάσετε στη Καλαμάτα.
2. Μείνετε στην εθνική οδό και βγείτε στην έξοδο της Καλαμάτας με κατεύθυνσή προς Αρεόπολη και Κιτριές. Όταν τελειώσει η εθνική οδός, θα συναντήσετε ένα σούπερ μάρκετ Lidl και μια καφετέρια στα δεξιά σας που ονομάζεται Cosi. Σε εκείνο το σημείο ο δρόμος χωρίζεται και θα δείτε μια πινακίδα. Σε αυτό ακριβώς το σημείο, έχετε την επιλογή είτε να συνεχίσετε προς το βουνό με κατεύθυνση προς Αρεόπολη και Καρδαμύλη είτε να πάρετε το δρόμοι που είναι στα δεξιά σας που πάει μέσω του παραλιακού δρόμου στις Κιτριές. Όποιο δρόμο και να πάρετε μπορείτε να έρθετε στο Zen Rocks Mani. Εμείς παρακάτω σας δίνουμε οδηγίες από το παραλιακό δρόμο μιας και θεωρούμε ότι είναι ο πιο εύκολος δρόμος για να έρθετε.
3. Κάνετε δεξιά προς Κιτριές και οδηγείτε στο παραλιακό δρόμο για περίπου 10-15 λεπτά. Στο σημείο που έχετε φτάσει σχεδό στις Κιτριές, ο δρόμος έχει μια ανηφόρα. Στο σημείο αυτό υπάρχει ένας μεγάλος τοίχος μπροστά σας που σας αναγκάζει σχεδόν να σταματήσετε. Εκεί βλέπετε μια πινακίδα προς Δολούς.
4. Εκεί αριστερά προς το βουνό με κατεύθυνση προς Δολούς.
5. Οδηγείστε προς τα επάνω αυτόν τον δρόμο με τις στροφές, για 5 λεπτά μέχρι να βρείτε το χωριό Καλιανέϊκα.
6. Όταν φτάσετε στα Καλιανέϊκα, σταματήστε μπροστά από την εκκλησία και ρυθμίστε το μετρητή χιλιομέτρων σας στο 0.
7. Οδηγείστε για 1 χιλιόμετρο και θα δείτε μια στροφή φουρκέτα, η οποία σας φέρνει προς τα δεξια. Εκεί θα δείτε ένα φράχτη με μεγάλους κάκτους και ένα τεράστιο βράχο. Πλησιάζετε!
8. Αμέσως μετά βλέπετε μια ακόμα στροφή φουρκέτα που στρίβει τον δρόμο προς τα αριστερά. Θα δείτε δύο μικρές πινακίδες για το Zen Rocks. Σε αυτό το σημείο αφήνετε το ασφαλτοστρωμένο δρόμο και μπαίνετε προς τα δεξιά σε έναν μικρό αγροτικό δρόμο από τσιμέντο.Οδηγείστε για 200 μέτρα στο τσιμεντένιο επαρχιακό δρόμο και άλλα 400 μέτρα σε χωματόδρομο. Ακολουθήστε τις πινακίδες για να μην μπείτε στον ελαιώνα που είναι πριν από εμάς. Περιμένετε να δείτε το σημείο με την πινακίδα του Zen Rocks να δείχνει τον ανηφορικό ιδιωτικό τσιμεντένιο δρόμο στα αριστερά σας. Είναι που θα σας φέρει στο κατάλυμα.
Σε αυτό το σημείο και μόνο θα δείτε και τους στύλους της ΔΕΗ να ανεβαίνουν προς τα πάνω.
9. Κάντε αριστερά σε αυτόν τον τσιμεντένιο δρόμο. Έχει έντονη ανηφορική κλίση, οπότε βάλτε πρώτη ταχύτητα για να ανεβείτε. Ακόμα και μικρά αυτοκίνητα ανεβαίνουν άνετα. Είναι λίγο σα να ανεβαίνετε ίσια πάνω στον ουρανό, στα σύννεφα… Απογειώνεστε λοιπόν.
10. 5 Δευτερόπτα μετά: Καλώς ορίσατε στο Zen Rocks Mani. Χαλαρώστε και απολαύστε τη διαμονή σας!

Όπως λέει και ο δάσκαλος του Ζεν Thich Nhat Hahn: You have arrived! Pause. Enjoy!

Booking a Massage or other Therapy

Let us know about your needs and preferences and we can pre-arrange the perfect nurturing massage or related therapy session for you.


In case of emergency:

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