personal & global transformation

begin your tranformative journey

THRIVE FESTIVAL at Zen Rocks, is a global gathering fostering unity and well-being, taking place from May 17th to June 30th, 2024. Join our sacred circle of connection as we celebrate Peace, Unity, Equality and the Well-being of our Planet through dance, music, yoga, meditation, and inspiring talks amidst the serene beauty of Zen Rocks Retreat Center. Embrace personal growth and enlightenment through mind-expanding education and heart-opening gatherings. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your spirit and be part of a movement towards positive change.

We walk away transformed, with a new knowledge etched on our cells:
Together, we Thrive!🌿

thrive podcast


The THRIVE Podcast aims to unite people from around the world to inspire personal growth and collective action for a sustainable future. Tune in with a diverse lineup of thought leaders, teachers, and activists from around the globe, ready to share their insights, wisdom, and passion for creating a better world through engaging talks. Through their experiences and wisdom, you will be inspired and empowered to take action towards a better life for yourself and a better world for all... Together, we'll explore the interconnectedness of humanity and the environment, and empower individuals to make meaningful change in their local communities.

At this very moment, we are overcoming conditioning transmitted to us as potential stored in our bodies and minds. Join Dr. Larry Ward in a deep dive that touches on neurological, mental, emotional, and spiritual thresholds of a new social imagination.
In this intimate discussion between Gabor Maté and long time activist Andrés Conteris, we learn about experiencing healing on a personal and planetary level, when informed by indigenous wisdom and authentic spirituality teaches profound oneness.
Join Helge for a thought-provoking and eye-opening online talk about the fascinating and intricate relationship between marine life and human society.


THRIVE MOVEMENT invites our global community to gather and hold hands in a sacred circle of connection. Peace, Unity, Equality & the Well Being of our Planet are unshakable aspirations. We celebrate togetherness with dance, music, yoga, movement, meditation, inspiring talks, mind blowing education, and heart opening gatherings in the sublime nature of Zen Rocks Retreat Center. We walk away transformed, with a new knowledge etched on our cells: Together we Thrive!


THRIVE Festival @ Zen Rocks, is a six-week program focusing on
Activism—Spirituality—Sustainability for Personal & Global Transformation

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Together we THRIVE Podcast

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THRIVE Events in Athens, Live & Online

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A taste of thrive
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